2017 Rocky Mountain Rangers Shooting Season


The Rocky Mountain Rangers (RMR) are excited to begin our 15th year of Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) here in the Lower Clark Fork Valley.  Needless to say, we are certainly looking forward to another great year of CAS at our range.  RMR's plans for the 2017 shooting season will include a full two-day shooting schedule on the second full weekend of each month, April through October.  Our Board members and TG will remain the same, and we will continue our range improvements including additional cleanup and brush burning, continued infrastructure improvements, and general sprucing up.  As you are all aware, all of this takes a dedicated group of members along with our monthly shooting participants.

Annual RMR dues will remain the same in 2017:  $25.00 for individuals, $45.00 for families (up to three members), and we will again offer our popular RMR Captain at $120.00 which includes your individual annual membership, all your shoot fees for the year, and an engraved "Ranger Captain" 45-70 cartridge.

Our monthly match shooting fees will also remain the same for 2017.  For members the fee is $10.00 for one day and $15.00 for two days.  Non-members pay $15.00 for one day and $25.00 for two days.

If you bring or invite a non-member to a shoot, he/she may join as a new member and receive that weekend of shooting "Free" as part of their annual RMR membership.  We feel this is a great incentive to gain new members which in turn brings new and additional participation into our club.

Buckaroos (up through age 12) always shoot free.  Young Guns (age 13 - 16), will receive a free shoot if accompanied by a paid shooter.  If not accompanied by a paid shooter, there will be a $5.00 shoot fee.

We look forward to seeing old and new friends at our shoots this year.  In 2016, RMR hosted 180 participants which was our best in several years.  We hope your participation will make 2017 an even greater success!

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